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Gillian Joseph

Art  and  Craft

Sorry...sales and shipping within Canada only

Welcome to the Craft Gallery

Book wreath2.jpg
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Handmade Dahlia Wreaths
From recycled books and music scores
27 inches
Northern lights vase.jpg
Northern Lights
Hand Painted
Pottery vase
27 inches
three prayers.jpg
Dream Weaver keychains
Sticks and Stones

Original Design

Macrame with bamboo and river stones


Three Prayers and a Blessing
29x17 inches

Original Design Cotton Rope Macrame


Button it up Jewelry 2021.jpg
Button It Up Jewelry
Vintage buttons 1910-1950 
macrame wheel.jpg
Dream Catcher Meditation Wheel
Original Design

Cotton Rope Macrame
Pincusions - 7by5and3by4.jpg
Pretty As a Pincushion!
Gillian Joseph - macrame dream catcher.jpg
Meditation Macrame with Dream Catcher
Original design
Cotton Rope Macrame
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